Old Man Winter is coming to Asheville and we want you and your home to…
Asheville, NC: A Great Place for the Northerner Moving South!
After building new homes in western North Carolina for over 25 years, we have a great understanding of the people who make Asheville their home. Many have come to this area from northern states most commonly New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Through our relationships with these home buyers, we know the many questions and concerns that go with making such a move and would like to offer a few good reasons why western North Carolina is a great place for the northerner moving south.
The Weather: Whether you are looking to retire to somewhere warmer or you still want to work but just somewhere with a little less snow to shovel, this great area offers four seasons with winters less cold than New York and summers less harsh than Miami.
Rich Cultural Diversity: From music to dining, Asheville offers a wide variety options so no matter if you are looking for tempeh and jazz music or you want some barbecue and bluegrass, you can find it all in downtown Asheville or one of the surrounding smaller towns.
You are not Alone: One of the greatest concerns “re-locators” have is “will I be able to fit in this new community?” We’ve been making home buyers happy here for a long time and trust us, you will not our first without a southern accent.
We would like to be the first to welcome you this great area. You have so much to gain by becoming a resident of western North Carolina and not much to lose except for those April snow storms. If you would like to know more about how you can make western North Carolina home, please contact us using the e-mail form below.