Old Man Winter is coming to Asheville and we want you and your home to…
4.39% is a Very Special Interest Rate.
This week interest rates dipped to 4.39% which is the lowest they have been in a year. Perhaps more interesting than how low this rate is, is that it creates a mathematical situation that is very clear to the home buyer. With the rate at 4.39% if you buy a $200,000 home your monthly mortgage payment comes to exactly one thousand dollars a month.
Windsor Aughtry has several communities throughout western North Carolina and one in east Tennessee with many floor plans for $200,000 or less. If you are looking for a smaller home you can invest in many upgrades that will add value when you go to resell or you can put your money into square footage. Either way, at 4.39% your payment will come out to a nice $1000 a month.
When it comes to financing a new home there is no shortage of confusing numbers and figures to sort through but at Windsor Aughtry we try to make this process as painless as possible. We’d like to invite you to take a look at our homes and use this figure as a means for better understanding the home buying process. If you would like to know more about how you can buy a Windsor Aughtry home please contact us using the e-mail form below.